Uploading hybrid part content
Uploading hybrid part content attaches a new file to the current hybrid part document.
Before you begin The main document must be under change by you in a workflow before you can upload hybrid part content to it. For information about using workflows, see Working with document workflows. The Enable Web Access client components option must be disabled as described in Setting personal preferences.
To upload hybrid part content:
- Select the name of an existing hybrid part as described in Viewing hybrid parts or create a new hybrid part as described in Attaching parts to a hybrid document. The Document property page of the hybrid part appears.
- On the Document menu, select Upload Document. The Upload Document dialog box appears.
- Click Browse and select the file that you want to upload as content for the current hybrid part and then click Open. The filename appears in the Upload Document dialog box.
- Click Yes. The selected file is uploaded as the hybrid part content and the Upload Document dialog box disappears.
To upload hybrid part content:
- Navigate to the main document to which you want to upload a new hybrid part.
- In Windows Explorer or on your desktop, select the file that you want to upload.
- Drag and drop it onto the main hybrid document in PowerUser. A shortcut menu appears.
- Select As Hybrid Part. The uploaded file is attached as a new part to the main hybrid document.